Hipkins’ Government suffers devastating blow with ministerial car crash  on Evans Bay Parade

A car crash  in Evans Bay in the capital  has ended the political career of one of Labour’s most effective ministers. And possibly that of the government as well.

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said in a statement that Kiri Allan had lost her ministerial portfolios as a result of Sunday’s event and spoke of her recent mental health struggles.

Education Minister  Jan Tinetti, speaking to reporters at Wellington Airport, said Allan was a friend and colleague and that the incident was “just horrible.

“I think that mental health is something that we have to take really, really seriously and this just shows how tragic this is.”

Allan had recently taken time off to address mental health issues but returned to Parliament on Monday last week.

 Hipkins said he hasn’t been thinking about how damaging Kiri  Allan’s arrest and resignation was for Labour ahead of the election.

Allan was charged with careless use of a motor vehicle and refusing to accompany a police officer following the crash on Evans Bay Parade in Roseneath shortly after 9pm last night.

Hipkins said he was given information Allan was experiencing emotional distress.

Even opponents will  concede the end of Kiri Allan’s political  career  is  a personal   tragedy. But it goes beyond that. She  had consolidated’s Labour  majority in  what previously had been a  National seat,  and independent commentators saw  her  as shaping  up  as an effective  minister.  

Hipkins said he believed   she was “at the top of her game” at Parliament last week. However, he said things could flip without warning when mental health was involved.

Hipkins told reporters he had spoken to Allan before 7am today, discussing how her position as a minister was untenable.

“It was a difficult conversation… she’s not in a good space,” Hipkins said of Allan.

“I’m gutted for Kiri, I’m concerned for her wellbeing.”

Allan had been receiving counselling and professional support when she returned to work.

“Ultimately, mental health is incredibly challenging,” Hipkins said.

Asked if it was time for a snap election, he said there would be an election on October 14.

He insists the public elected Labour and therefore had confidence in the Government.

But he won’t be appointing  a new  minister  to  take over the portfolios held  by Kiri Allan, and is confident current ministers could handle the workload.

4 thoughts on “Hipkins’ Government suffers devastating blow with ministerial car crash  on Evans Bay Parade

  1. Further erosion of the dignity of parliament, from ministers appointed with scant experience or prowess, to shoddy dress standards and silly hats


    1. Indeed. Beats me.

      She said some truly idiotic stuff in relation to “hate speech” laws.

      Accusing Radio New Zealand of “racism” for not giving her girlfriend a promotion was another low point. Incredibly inappropriate.


  2. If current ministers can handle the workload then we have too many ministers at the public trough.

    Also, Allan’s alcohol misuse did not happen overnight, so how many senior Government colleagues knew this and did nothing?

    No wonder we don’t have Justice, it’s not just blind in NZ, it’s also drunk.


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