Stats that made the case for a Māori Health Authority might also have made the case for a change of government

Buzz from the Beehive

A decline in rates of immunisation among children in recent years – particularly among Māori children – was drawn to the attention of Point of Order while we were considering a press statement from Health Minister Shane Reti.

We were tempted to suppose that putting health in the hands of Andrew Little might have had something to do with this.

Then again, maybe we hadn’t noticed an exacerbation of the grim impacts of colonisation during that time. Continue reading “Stats that made the case for a Māori Health Authority might also have made the case for a change of government”

DAVID FARRAR: Hysterical bullshit

Radio NZ reports:

Te Pāti Māori’s co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer has accused the new government of “deliberate .. systemic genocide” over its policies to roll back the smokefree policy and the Māori Health Authority.

The left love hysterical language. If you oppose racial quotas in laws, you are a racist. And now if you sack 400 bureaucrats you are genocidal. Continue reading “DAVID FARRAR: Hysterical bullshit”