Otago University plummets down the world rankings, falling in the 2025 QS Survey released today. It is not in the top 1% as it continues to falsely claim

  • Robert MacCulloch writes –

Otago University is recruiting students based on a false claim on the front page of its advertising & Website that it is in the “top 1%” of universities world-wide. It is not. Today it fell another eight places down to 214th place in the world, according to the QS rankings, upon which Otago says it bases its claims. That rank is down from number 133 in 2012.

Continue reading “Otago University plummets down the world rankings, falling in the 2025 QS Survey released today. It is not in the top 1% as it continues to falsely claim”

ROB MacCULLOCH: Grant Robertson’s new job sends an awful message to students about meritocracy in NZ


The appointment of Grant Robertson as Vice-Chancellor of Otago University has raised hackles – and questions – among academics.  Robertson’s credentials for the job is one issue.  The appointment process is another.  University of Auckland economics professor Rob MacCulloch has posted these three articles in the past few days on Down To Earth Kiwi…


  • Rob MacCulloch writes – 

Vice Chancellor Grant Robertson? He’s not qualified and does not deserve the job

Big Media are reporting that their mate, former Finance Minister Grant Robertson “will retire from Parliament next month as he becomes the vice-chancellor of his alma mater Otago University”.   

What an outrage. Vice Chancellors are meant to be distinguished scholars. Meant to have a PhD. Meant to have had a lifetime of researching & teaching at the highest level.

Continue reading “ROB MacCULLOCH: Grant Robertson’s new job sends an awful message to students about meritocracy in NZ”

CHRIS TROTTER: Nostalgic for a joyous Left

  • Chris Trotter writes –

I WAS A CAPTAIN COOK MAN, Grant Robertson was a Robbie Burns man. If you know anything about the great student pubs of Dunedin in the 1970s, 80s and 90s, those allegiances should tell you a lot.

While I was at varsity, the “Cook” had a reputation for entertaining more than just students. While the “new” Dunedin hospital was being built in the 70s, the pub’s “Back Bar” was patronised by construction workers. Continue reading “CHRIS TROTTER: Nostalgic for a joyous Left”