Forget about its name and focus on its objective – this RMA reform bill aims to cut red tape (and green tape, too)

Buzz from the Beehive

A triumvirate of ministers – holding the Agriculture, Environment and RMA Reform portfolios – has announced the introduction of legislation “to slash the tangle of red and green tape throttling development in key sectors”, such as farming, mining and other primary industries.

The exact name of the bill? Point of Order confesses to being puzzled. Continue reading “Forget about its name and focus on its objective – this RMA reform bill aims to cut red tape (and green tape, too)”

The media were given a little list and hastened to pick out Fast Track prospects – but the Treaty aspect is fascinating, too

 Buzz from the Beehive

The 180 or so recipients of letters from the Government telling them how to submit infrastructure projects for “fast track” consideration includes some whose project applications previously have been rejected by the courts.

News media were quick to feature these in their reports after RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop released the list of the organisations which had been advised on how to apply for consideration under the Fast-Track Approvals Bill. Continue reading “The media were given a little list and hastened to pick out Fast Track prospects – but the Treaty aspect is fascinating, too”