Green right turn in Britain? Well, a start

While it may be unlikely to register in New Zealand’s general election, Britain’s PM Rishi Sunak has done something which might just be important in the long run.

He’s announced a far-reaching change in his Conservative government’s approach to environmental, and particularly net zero, policy.

The starting point – naturally – is with his predecessor but one, Boris Johnson.  On the strength of his Brexit heroics, Boris was able to get away with green murder.

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Green transparency? About time too

There’s bad news on the green front – good bad news that is.

But is there enough time for it to filter into the public consciousness for next month’s general election?

Readers with good memories might recall an earlier analogy of thrown stones submerging into a murky river, before finally a causeway emerges.

It’s possible that Europe has reached such a moment in its decarbonization transition.

Continue reading “Green transparency? About time too”